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Good evening, Aphelion Community, I am here today to deliver some news regarding the future of Aphelion LC as a server. As most of you know, I have been quiet for the past 2-3 weeks especially in game, there is a reason for this. For the past 2 months I have been working on several patches simultaneously, this means, whilst you see the website patches, you see the constant adjustment and tweak patches being implemented I have also been secretly working on one big patch behind the scenes....

1) Halloween Event has been removed from the game   2) All event boxes have been totally re-worked and new jackpot items added to every box, good luck!                   - A guide will be posted soon about this!   3) Added Chicken Noodle Soup to the item mall   4) A new cash exchanger has been placed at Pheonix Club Master where you can exchange your cash tickets for higher...

[News] Timed Outs are Fixed

I am pleased to announce with our host upgrade, ping, lag and dissconnects are all better.


Most importantly; Timed outs are fixed :)


Thanks - Goofy

[News] Aphelion LC Patreon!

Hello! Welcome to your Aphelion LC Patreon Account!   Here you can set up a monthly subscription to gain some incredible benefits in-game and outside of the game! There are several benefits at different subscriptions so make sure you choose the correct one for you, all profits made from Patreon go directly back into Aphelion Last Chaos to improve the server and for the longevity of the server stability.    1. There has been a high amount of request for this so I...

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