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New Patch: 2022/11/04 20:00

1) Halloween Event has been removed from the game


2) All event boxes have been totally re-worked and new jackpot items added to every box, good luck!


                - A guide will be posted soon about this!


3) Added Chicken Noodle Soup to the item mall


4) A new cash exchanger has been placed at Pheonix Club Master where you can exchange your cash tickets for higher value ones


5) Halloween items (buffs etc) have been deleted from the game


6) The Tier 3 Halloween Costume reform and stats returned to normal to match the rest


7) The Skill Power from Incredible Amulet of Pluto has been reduced


8) The Light and Dark flag have been moved to be closer to the stairs to help speed up CTF runs


9) Increased Pet Fairy Ticket 7D drop rate on the Cash Boss


10) C2 Fanatic Costumes now have same reform and same stats as all other C2s


11) [AOE] Storm Shot got a slight range and number of monster buff


12) Barrier duration length increased


13) Summoned more Bloodbone Revenant's to the middle of Tarian


14) Slightly reduced the cooldown from K-O-T-G boss in Realm of Gilese


15) Fixed Bugged Guild Points in some guilds


16) Fixed an issue where you could wear more than one pluto accessory, now you can only wear one


17) All times have returned to normal since the clocks moved forward



- Siege times

- CTF/Dm

- World Boss Event


18) Improved > - ¬ PvP ¬ Obsessed ¬ - < title


19) Increased the price of PvP Obsessed title from Siege Tickets


20) Added the Halloween Discord Winner Titles in game (Please pm me to claim if you won)


21) Halloween Weapons returned to normal C2 stats and reform ability


22) Chaos Balls have been totally re-worked


23) A few pet buffs damage reduction to help with pvp


24) Fixed quest [Daily] Gilese's Daily Farm Run 5/5


25) [Panda]Souled power given magic attack instead of just phyiscal


26) [Bebe] Dance of Bravery given magic attack aswell as phyiscal attack


27) Fixed the cost of Rune Of Galaxy


28) Juno has returned to normal state


29) Fixed some items descriptions, icons and made a tidy up on bugged items


30) Fixed some skills with no description or title


31) Fixed an issue where once pet fairy runs out you could still buff pets, now you must have pet fairy active


32) Buffed Realm of Gilese title


33) The ability to choose guild emblems from your discord guild emblem has been activated


34) NS PvE Total Damage +20%


35) Preparations and some files for new content patch coming soon :)



PvP Balances;


1) Reduced the amount of skill power from Amulet of Pluto to platau some damages


2) Reduced the amount of damage when hit having "Mark of Despair" active on debuffs


3) Increased Damage from Wizard to Archer


4) Royal Knight total PVP damage +5%


5) Elementalist total PVP damage +3%


6) General Balancing updates happened


We are currently undergoing some big balancing events on our test server and a full patch note release will be made as soon as we finish

Thanks for patience during this time :)