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Patch Notes [11/11/2024]

1) All times have been given +1 hour (Bosses, Siege, Guild Boss, Etc) to compensate the -1 hour change


2) Halloween has been removed:


- Item will remain

- Buff is disabled

- Candy is back to normal

- Teleporter removed

- Map is disabled until next year


Hope you enjoyed!


3) Fixed boss damage for:


- [Event-Boss] Little Pharao

- [Event-Boss] Gelifrei Dualist Fighter


4) Adjustments to old content:


Firstly, the reason for this is to give us more of an advantage for future content patches and updates, without making the game impossible

to start for a new player. Whilst I understand it may be annoying to disable things in such a way, I genuinely believe it is for the betterment

of the game, and to bring new players back to us.


In this patch we would like to put a focus on cap level content, removing old and useless content to make things a little "easier" for new players

and not to have so much things all over the place, where it is not needed, so the changes are as follows:


4.1) Tarian was BOT central, players farming thousands of tokens every hour for no reason, as the only  use for this map.. the extra token drop has now been removed, and instead, the drop has been replaced for Extreme Juno


- The Tarian Explorer Jirran has also been disabled as the quests gave useless rewards, and the focus is on "newer" content and maps. 


4.2) Disabled NPC's


- Tarian Explorer Jirran

- Realm Crafting Expert [EVA]

- Realm Crafting Expert [HR]

- The Great Maze Teleporter

- The Maze Champion

- Extreme Juno Item Exchanger Disabled


4.3) The Four Realms was just such a put off for new players, with so many items and quests it was enough to make people leave, so:


- The Four Realms has been disabled

- The Four Realms affinity has been disabled

- The Four Realm Achievement Monsters chapters have been changed to Pharoh Tomb monsters instead

- The Four Realm gold blessing has also been disabled, but will be compensated in new multi buffs (see full notes)

- The Blue Cube that was in the affinty shop has been moved to [Cash] Astronomer Theodore


Now you can level in Mushroom Land from 165-200 whilst farming set


4.4) The Great Maze is a nice map, and it is fun farming, but the affinity was no longer needed and was just another thing for content;


- This affinity has been disabled

- The Maze Great Boost of HP & MP name changed to --> The Wonders Great Boost of HP & MP and is now sold in The Wonders Affinity Shop

- The remaining items inside the maze was useless to add to the wonders since these items were already free elsewhere


4.5) Extreme Juno & Extreme Juno Affinity Changes:


- As mentioned, the Aphelion Token drop now is from all monsters on this map

- Some useless NPC's has been deleted to provide higher fps in juno town

- Extreme Juno Item Exchanger Disabled

- [Quest] Extreme Egeha Affinity Starter item can now be traded

- Merchant Dorina --> Level 6 Jewel Box is now --> Level 7 Jewel Box


Affinity Merchant Shop Changes:


- Changed the 165 PvE Set to --> 185 PvE Set

- Added all 185 runes to the affinity shop

- Removed some useless things


Hopefully this helps the transition to 185-220


5) People are having 50,000 of candies, when the Heavenly is given almost every time, the original rates have been restored to this feature


6) The Great Maze teleporter has been disabled and can now be teleported to via Teleporter Rhonita to improve fps and less npcs in juno


- This teleporter has also been updated to show new players where to go for what


7) Cube Changes:


- Time to change rooms changed from 10 seconds --> 2 seconds

- Upgraded Attack, HP, Defense and HP Count of monsters

- Added +30 Master Stone Ticket to Cube Monsters

- Updated the model of the Cube Boss to something new and exciting

- Updated the drops from Cube Boss:


Cube Boss Drops;


- Coin of Master

- Stonus Lvl 7

- Silentir Lvl 7

- Ammolite Lvl 7

- White Granite Lvl 8

- Black Granite Lvl 8

- Moldavite Lvl 8

- World Boss Tower Box

- [PVE] Gift from the Stars

- [PVE] Gift from the Nebula

- [PVE] Gift from the Galaxy

- Achievement +1 Token [50% Chance to drop]


8) Added Cheshire Cat C2 Set for next Battle Pass


9) A problem with the Cube floor not being able to be clicked to move is now fixed


10) OX Questions have now been updated and fixed


11) The old original map for Capture The Flag and Deathmatch has been applied


12) Removed PvP Protection Shield from exchanger shops


13) Some Lacaball changes:


Gold Token:


Advanced Grade Reformer x2 --> Platinum Advanced Grade Reformer x1

Level 6 Jewel Box x1 --> Level 7 Jewel Box x1 (Reduced 50/50 to 25/25)


Aphelion Last Chaos Token:


Abraxas Coupon x10 --> Coupon Delivery Box x5




Page 1: Now gives level 1 - 5 Jewel Boxes to help with Iris book, since everything here was useless anyway


Affinity Booster x1 --> Affinity Booster x6

Lucky Spell Book --> Superior Huge Lucky Scroll

Lucky Scroll --> Experience Booster


Fire PvP Trophy:


Master Stone +28 x5 --> Master Stone +30 x1

Level 7 Jewel Box --> Level 8 Jewel Box


Ice PvP Trophy:


Master Stone +28 x5 --> Master Stone +30 x1

Level 7 Jewel Box --> Level 8 Jewel Box


Party Expedition Coin:


Equinox Accessory Coupon --> Aphelion Special Chaos Ball x10

Supernova Moonstone Page 1 --> Automatic Medicine Medium

Supernova Moonstone Page 2 --> Automatic Medicine Large

Supernova Moonstone Page 3 --> Gold Coin 35,000,000

Paradagon Lucky Box Page 1 --> Insane Superior Item Drop Booster x3

Paradagon Lucky Box Page 2 --> Insane Superior Item Drop Booster x3

Paradagon Lucky Box Page 3 --> Insane Superior Item Drop Booster x3


14) Magic Lamp +28 has been changed to +30


15) Master of the Sacred Rites is now 1 day duration to encourage farming in pharaoh map


16) Phoenix Changes:


- Now need level 185 not level 186 or higher.

- Removed phoenix ticket from tier spender

- Increased price of phoenix ticket slightly in the item mall

- Updated Icon of Golden Phoenix Ticket 


The Phoenix Blessing has changed to a multi-buff giving:


- Stats +150

- Drop Rate 5%

- Boss DMG +5%

- PvE DMG +10%

- EXP +25%

- Pet EXP +25%

- Physical Attack +5%

- Magic Attack +5%


17) Updated the colors and descriptions of all multi buff items and skills, they were so ugly before!


- VIP Ignition

- Phoenix Buff

- Wedding Buff

- Mega Buff 14 day

- Give me buffs

- Expeditioner Buff

- Reborn Realm Buff


18) NPC Exchangers:


18.1) All useless exchange items has been removed to tidy up the insane amount of exchangers we have


18.2) Some exchanging items were at the wrong NPC such as event token in ALC Item Exchanger, now everything is in the right place


19) Added some new items to Event Ticket Rewards NPC:


-> Ultimate Ring Lucky Box x1

-> Legendary Emblem Lucky Box x1

-> Platinum Drop Booster x10

-> Special Chaos Ball x10

-> Level 8 Jewel Box x1

-> Superior Platinum Blessed Iris x1


20) Merac MCS area has been edited:


- You can no longer hide in walls

- You can now click all areas of floor

- The "bug" spots now are blocked and you can not walk to it, to you dont get stuck anymore


21) An issue with Siege Attendance Tickets is now fixed;


- Now you can only obtain the tickets on Channel 1 during the siege.


Hopefully this prevents abuse :)


22) Increased the stack size for Event Reward Box


23) The new juno has been put back to the original textures for the buildings, and juno has been cleaned up a little to hopefully help with FPS issues


24) The Wonders Affinity Booster price change 7500 --> 3500


25) Updated all language clients


26) All logs have beeen cleared for a "fresh start" on server