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Aphelion LC Patreon!

Hello! Welcome to your Aphelion LC Patreon Account!


Here you can set up a monthly subscription to gain some incredible benefits in-game and outside of the game!

There are several benefits at different subscriptions so make sure you choose the correct one for you, all profits made from Patreon go directly back into Aphelion Last Chaos to improve the

server and for the longevity of the server stability. 


1. There has been a high amount of request for this so I have created it for you !


2. This does not give any extra benefit in game and cannot make players stronger but only gives extra benefits such as cosmetics


3. You do not have to subcribe if you do not wish - this is for loyal supporters to help support the longevity of the server 


4. Alot of people have asked for a loyalty bonus, this is the first step towards that!



Thank you to everyone who supports fincially and who supports by making suggestions, playing the game and being part of my staff team, I could not do this without you !


I am working tirelessly and incredibly hard to provide you with a wonderful game play experience ! 


Click the Link below to join today!





