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New Level Cap [Pre-Release] Info

Good evening, Aphelion Community,

I am here today to deliver some news regarding the future of Aphelion LC as a server. As most of you know, I have been quiet for the past 2-3 weeks especially in game, there is a reason for this.

For the past 2 months I have been working on several patches simultaneously, this means, whilst you see the website patches, you see the constant adjustment and tweak patches being implemented I have also been secretly working on one big patch behind the scenes. The staff team have been incredible in this time by making so many events and ensuring that there is a constant presence of staff in the game.

With this announcement I would like to announce the delivery of a new level cap patch. I will include some more details of what to expect, times and dates further in this announcement. I have already been working on this for 2 months, so that does mean that the majority of “underlying” work or essentially the infrastructure of this patch is done (this does not mean I am ignoring other patches and PVP balancing etc, I have a huge team in the test server who are constantly trying to give the best feedback and suggestions). On that note, thank you to all players who have been giving constant suggestions and bug feedback reports.

So, here is a little information regarding the new level cap.

  • This level cap is not going to be your “typical” let’s add 1 map and raise 10 levels, like previous servers have done.
  • The amount of content is pretty large, I have added a total of 8 brand new maps to give you the best content delivery and always give you something to do.
  • The level cap will raise to 185 (for good reasons that will become clear soon)
  • There will be a few new skills for each class
  • There is a few brand-new systems not seen in LC before (I will leave this to imagination)
  • A new siege system
  • Old and New maps being integrated
  • A lot of new items
  • A more “link” between in game and the website modules
  • A new Armor/weapon system not seen before
  • A brand new type of Party Expedition Maps (This one is pretty fun!)
  • The Christmas Event will also be launched with the raise of the level cap
  • Brand new server events everyday
  • A new PVP system not seen before
  • The rest I will leave a mystery as I don’t want to spoil it all now but you can bet that its going to be one hell of a patch, with a ton of fun stuff to do!!
  • New C2 systems and some beautiful new costume designs provided by the wonderful [GFX]Carrie including Disney princess costumes, crowns, capes, akatuski c2, pride c2 and so so so many more
  • New PVP balance system

I have been limited to what I can work on due to the test server being semi-linked to the live server, so from this announcement I will make this clear now; THERE WILL BE NO MORE PATCHES UNTIL THE LEVEL CAP (UNLESS IN AN EMERGENCY) – This fact means that I can now focus 100% on the level cap in the test server and means I can start the “hard” work from here on.

Furthermore, I will not give a date for the level cap patch just yet, however I am estimating beginning of December to be the launch. As we approach closer to this date, I will be more clear with a date, but I need it to be flexible at the moment because there is a lot of work to do.

As you saw in the patch notes you can now start farming “Pre-Release Tokens” which will be crucial to benefiting you in the level cap release, I would advise to farm as many as you can and do not sell them, you will need them for yourself!

Finally, a huge thank you to the constant loyalty, support, patrons, donators who help continue Aphelion LC reign and who help provide the server with the finances to continue developing brand new features never seen before on LC.

In addition, Black Friday will be the next huge event that we do, and I promise you that it is going to bigger than you could ever imagine! So stay tuned for this huge day of events (25th November).

Please know that everything you have now will not be useless and it will be a smooth transaction and possibility to exchange a lot of what you have now, so keep farming because nothing will be “worthless” or “unvaluable”

Finally, again thank you to all support, and make sure to keep checking the sneek peek channel as a lot more will be posted there soon!

Please stay patient with me so I can work peacefully and ensure that the transition to such a huge patch is smooth and works well, I am working very hard at the moment to bring this to you as soon as possible

All the best wishes from your administrator [ADM]*Goofy*