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Change Theme - WHITE

1) All times have been given +1 hour (Bosses, Siege, Guild Boss, Etc) to compensate the -1 hour change   2) Halloween has been removed:   - Item will remain - Buff is disabled - Candy is back to normal - Teleporter removed - Map is disabled until next year   Hope you enjoyed!   3) Fixed boss damage for:   - [Event-Boss] Little Pharao - [Event-Boss] Gelifrei Dualist Fighter   4) Adjustments to old...

[News] 220 Level Cap Patch

Hello everyone, the wait is finally over, what you have all been asking for, for a very long time, today I introduce you to the official Aphelion LC 220 Patch:   Firstly, please expect mass reboots and fixes over the next few days, this patch is insanely huge and there is bound to be some issues along the way. It will all be resolved so do not panic   Secondly, please enjoy a goodie package to celebrate the new launch   Enter this code at Lorraine for the free...


220 Level Cap PvP Trailer

Hello everyone, whilst this is not a content patch that you maybe are looking for, since the heavy content we have, I don't want to keep providing you with more and more pointless content. For now, we keep the content we have, and my main focus is to fix all of our bugs and make the servers more stable, a new content patch is in the works, but takes time. __For now I bring to you a bug fix patch with small QOL updates__ Firstly, Bang has been working very hard to re-design...

__General Patch Notes__ Ok let's start with the biggest bug fix in the history of Last Chaos: Indeed, as you saw in the trailer the Damage Cap is finally and forever fixed: This includes: - It is now impossibe to damage cap on any monster in the game  - When killing special bosses, the damage bar would finish at the cap damage, now this will not bug and continue going so you can see your final total damage - The damage meter is now uncapped so you will never reach a...