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Aphelion HUGE Zombie Patch Notes

__General Patch Notes__

Ok let's start with the biggest bug fix in the history of Last Chaos:

Indeed, as you saw in the trailer the Damage Cap is finally and forever fixed:

This includes:

- It is now impossibe to damage cap on any monster in the game 

- When killing special bosses, the damage bar would finish at the cap damage, now this will not bug and continue going so you can see your final total damage

- The damage meter is now uncapped so you will never reach a cap damage on the damage meter 

- Ignition 5 has been restored to its former glory and now it gives the normal insane attack when using it - you can use it with auto attacks like normal. Enjoy that one.

- PvE Damage has been restored to its originally values so you will hit abit harder

- Monsters has been restored to its original HP so it balances the new damages you will do

- This means, berzerker potion will start to be useful yet again

- Any DOT, Skill and Pet Skill that heals a boss, is now fixed 

- We can now run x2 PvE Damage Events with no limits, so stay tuned for this!

Thanks for your patience on this, its on the best bug fixes we have ever done, so we are really happy about it. No MORE damage CAP!!!!! 

__General Patch Notes__

1) Increased HP for mobs in Eridanus as it is being completed in 30 seconds and not very challenging 

2) Added the C2 Thor's Hammer [C2] Stormbreaker to the item mall, enjoy 😉 

3) Jewel fusion for lvl 6 jewels no do not work

4) Changed the stack of Chaos Balls from 250,000 -> 25,000 to prevent server crashes

5) Changed some rates in Chaos Balls 

6) The individual 14 day buffs in the item mall have been removed, now you are forced to use the 14D stacked package all in one buff 

7) Added the missing amethyst to the particle exchanger in Frostcore Realms 

8) Fixed some double stacked items in exchanger NPC's 

9) Melding Wing Fixes:

- Berkana Bag 
- Heavy Metal Gutair 
- Cape of Valor 
- Red Snow Sleigh
- Blue Snow Sleigh
- White Wings of Angel 
- Constellation Wings 

10) Added more summon books to the Jackpot from Summon Book Magic Lamp 

11) Misty Canyon has been changed to maximum entrance lvl 165 

12) I have fixed some random crashes and error logs happening in certain zones 

13) Kelpie AOE buff fixed 

14) Missing Booster world boss added to all channels in Extreme Egeha 

15) Sweet Melon should be fixed now (the buff) 

16) Fixed Sea Worm drops 

17) Fixed Cockatrice Taming Boss drops 

18) Fixed Perk Point Item Reset Card not working for arch-mage and ex-rogue 

19) Added Iris Book Ticket to Supernova Moonstone 

20) One of the main causes of red error logs was the high resolution texture from the OPT C2 Golden Scythe, this scythe has been disabled and will be deleted, this is neccessary to help fix them, we have meticilously changed the texture of this scythe to something else, which still looks awesome but has 
a lower resolution, this is avaliable now on the website to purchase, if you lost this scythe please tell me and I will give you the new one! I have done  

21) Loyal donator title is now tradeable 

22) Guild Boss Defence raised from 500,000 -> 750,000

23) Lots of bosses have been given some different hp, hp stacks, attack and defense to make them more challenging (not all but quite a few) 

23.1) Some old bosses such as animal keeper, kotg and 4 realms world boss and posedion given better drops 

24) Added Class Equiptment Change Scroll to Online Time Point Shop on the website 

25) Changed the look of Iris Book title - enjoy 

26) Increased the monsters inside Golden Lab again 

27) Changed some essential anti-cheat code to prevent hackers. To sorcerers, its impossible to hack for you guys anyway, since 90% skill speed cannot be topped, even with hacks. 

- Added alot more anti-hack code in server and client :)

28) Changed all skill book descriptions to show what class they are for 

29) Cube Tickets are now stackable 

30) Fixed a bug where the set stat buffs and perks were not showing up on armors/weapons,  now they will show, and show you the skill you can unlock

31) Fixed a bug in OX Room where you you could not left click on the floor

32) Fixed a bug during MCS on the left side of the Throne room you could not click on the floor

33) Added +500 more attack to [200] single sword

34) Added a new Platinum Event Ticket which will be given out at server events, these items contain incredible rewards and after this patch a guide will be posted on what they contain

35) In attempt to fix the loss of equiptment when server crashes, we now have a 5 second wait between equipting each gear piece, I know this may be annoyin to have to wait, but it is essential we try this.

   In addition the new set pages will help you to swap equiptment in one click, so it's not that bad. It's just setting up the page that will take a few minutes. Once that is done it won't be as bad. Sorry but I hope it helps that problem!

36) A problem where, affinity booster seeds got stuck when using is fixed and they are also now tradeable 

37) Done some server rendering changes to help fix memory loss problems - let me know if any changes are helping

38) Spirit of the Ruins monsters in Frostcore Ruins changed from 30 seconds respawn to 10 seconds (only in farm area, enjoy) 

39) Fixed the HP regen from Fire/Ice Bosses

40) Fixed Shiva healing bosses sometimes 

41) Changed all labyrinth quests to party instead of solo 

42) Allowed Cooldown 100% Reduction Potion to be sold to Gold Merchant Perseus 

43) Most of the lacaball has been completely changed, the biggest being Aphelion LC Token and Gold Tokens which now have changed in almost all of the rewards, extra changes include laca pages from: 

- Gold Tokens

- Aphelion LC Tokens

- Castle Seige Tokens 

- Fire/Ice PvP Tokens

- Expedition Coins

- The Maze Token 

44) Some changes to average moonstone and perfect moonstone and good moonstone

Poor Moonstone: Added all master stones +17 - +22 to help with Iris Book
Good Moonstone - Added master stone +25, castle siege token and royal aphelion lc token
Perfect Moonstone - Added lvl 5 and lvl 6 jewel box, and +26 master stone  

45) Upgraded the title [**] The Best [VIP] Supporter [**] Title!

46) Once again, improved the Antiquities Titles! 

47) We have added a load more OX questions to change the questions up, we now have over 230 questions to play with! 

48) We have added some new event titles to the game to give away during events, enjoy! 

49) Changed Element from Titan 250 stats to -> 500 stats 

50) Dramatically changed the Tomb skill book bosses to drop skill books alot more , and drop a few at a time to help new players 

51) Fixed Angel wings that could not be melded by ex-rogues and arch-mages 

52) Fixed Collecting is my Life Iris Book Title 

53) Templar Knight PvE Global Damage +30%

54) Cleric PvE Global Damage +30% 

55) Added a new Ignition 5 Buff to the item mall

56) Added a new Ignition pack to the item mall 

57) Added Iris Book Ticket to item mall

58) Added Iris Book Ticket to OPT shop!

59) Magic Lamp 6 Jewel box changed to level 7 jewel box 

60) As you saw in the sneek peek channel we have dramatically improved the speed of the Laca Ball, this works on auto laca, and normal laca, if you go to guild hall, it will be even faster
because of the high FPS. Hope you enjoy this feature as I know alot of you have wanted it! 

61) From this patch you now get 3 pages of perk points, this is free to use and will require a total of 1,500 perk points to learn all three pages, resets work when you select a page. 

61.2) Simply click 1 2 or 3 to change page and save each one. Then you can swap your perks with one click to change pages etc. 

62) Similar to the perk pages, we have added a total of 3 equiptment pages (This will include: Accessories, weapons, armors, wings, runes etc) and you will be able to swap your sets with one simple click, you 
will need to however equipt different items into each page. You can also have just 3 pages of C2's if you wish, you dont have to use this feature, so to simply change your c2 fast, you can use the page changers

62.1) This will make swapping sets very quick and easy (e.g swapping classes, or changing pve/pvp sets - see below for full information on this) 

62.2 ) You will need to double click an item called "Equiptment Page Expasion Card 30D" to use this feature, its very cheap in the item mall and is also given from chaos balls and other in game rewards 

63) Added so many brand new items to the Item Mall, check them all out! 

64) Fixed Funky Strange Shield [C2] Stats! 

65) Ramslo and Norg Brothers outside the Labyrinth have been completely upgraded dropping some of the best items in the game! But they are  a little difficult to kill

66) Since so many people have asked for this I have changed Elementalist II skill to Summon of Ancient weapon, you will need skill books for level 1 and the lvl 2 book will unlock level 5

- At level 5 it has 0.25% chance to Silence an enemy when a skill is used
- At level 5 it will give a 20% Despair Charm Effect, essentially adding 20% damage after your first hit, unless you miss. 
- The skill has been given a 2% skill speed upgrade so it is literally a machine gun
- Elementalist elementals (when given their buffs) will hit hard in both Pve and Pvp
- 10% Damage Upgrade to this skill 

I hope this makes people want to play elementalist more in PvE and PvP! 

67) Upgraded the box [Event] Golden Box of Drop

68) Upgraded the box [Event] Silver Box of Affinity

69) Dramatically changed almost everything in Chaos Balls, new items, deleted some useless items that had no use, and also created a new guide in discord so you can see the updated list of what you can get 

70) Decendor of the Light boss has changed, he is now a boss similar to Decendor of the Devil, and depending on the damage you do to him he will give you 1-10 Antiquities Boxes! Aswell as other rewards too 

71) Changes to Guardian of the Galaxy PvP Trophy Exchanger: 

Chaos Coral lvl 15 - was 250 PvP trophy - now 25 PvP Trophy
Premiun II Skill Book - was 500 PVP Trophy - now 100 PvP Trophy
Soul Skill Box - was 5000 PvP Trophy - now 500 PvP Trophy
Rune Of Protection - was 10 PvP Trophy - now 1 PvP Trophy
MasterStone +25 - was 150 PvP Trophy - now 25 PvP Trophy

72) Added teleporter Eteal to Lust Tomb map 

73) Owl Affinity Pack was not giving full affinity, now it does (must use booster)  

75) Added a full "Full Affinity Pack - Basic" that will give all <165 affinity rewards in one pack on the website item mall 

76) Fixed bugged guild points 

77) After taking a review of the economy and amount of items, to help combat this the following changes are made:

The most important thing I found was that all the gambling features (i.e laca/moonstone/chaos balls) give an endless game to continue forever technically;

- Reduction in winning tokens from lacaball reduced
- Very small item drop reduction in gold tokens 
- Chaos Ball reduction for [2b] cards and very small decrease of tokens from chaos balls 
- Slight reduction in getting tokens from moonstones 

I know some of you may not like this, but this is essential to keep the economy we have. 

78) Slight changes to guild boss rank packages #1 #2 and #3

79) Increase in Guild Boss HP and Defence

80) Tier Spender Changes: 

80.1) The previous 1-7 tier spender boxes have been improved and upgraded

80.2) Added a new: 

500,000 Tier Spender Reward

750,000 Tier Spender Reward 

1,000,000 Tier Spender Reward

80.3) The tier spender title has been moved to the final reward box (1,000,000 cash) and it has been upgraded aswell. 

81) The Guild Boss Tino and Snow Tiger has been reduced in respawn time, and in addition they have been made harder - this is due to players abusing them. Abuse from now on will be banned.

82) The Four Realm Quests have been changed from max level 183 to 185 to help new players getting stuck on level 184 

83) Upgraded the Siege Exchanger Shop with new items "Drill Master Vernon" in Juno 

84) Tucana Raid is fixed and you can run it again 

85) Added a brand new UI in the right of your screen! When you pick up items, open boxes etc you will see what you get with icons on the right hand side, enjoy :) 

86) Fixed a bug where when you died in arena etc and could not click confirm, now you can and the death timer has been reset to 5 seconds instead of 5 minutes 

__PVP and some PvE Changes__

For this part of the patch notes I want to focus a little on PvP. I understand not many people are playing PvP right now because they do not want 
to farm to get to the point they're totally full and want to play PvP. For this reasons the following changes have been made to make end-game content a little easier: 

1) [Super Boss] Decendor of the Light increased drop of dark matter particles from 1 -> 3 

2) [BOSS] Oblleus increased drop of dark matter particles from 1 -> 3 

3) [Ultra-Boss] Lizard Swordsman respawn time changed from 4 hours -> 2 hours 

4) As requested, people think the new wings are a little too hard to get, for this reason we change the required cube boss kills from 250 -> 200

5) Added Snare cooldown of 3 seconds to Ex-Assassin 

6) I am sad to see no RK's in PvP, I really want him to be a strong power-house but not too OP. For this reason Offence Posture gives an additional 
   2% skill speed which will stack on the speed of Triple Bash II to make it a little faster. 

7) Sorcerer and Arch-Mage II passive ability to Stone has been changed to a Stun effect 

8) Templar Knight Shield Strike skill delay between skills is now fixed 

9) Triple Bash II changed from Blind to -30% movespeed chance

10)  Party Heal Master -2.5% heal power to help balance clerics, as the feedback I get is sieges are endless with so many clerics 

11) Wizzards II skill lvl 2 changed from a sleep to a stun 

12) Due to specalists new skill speed and aoe stun, his PVP damage is -10%

14) Blind Fear given a 3 second cooldown (Archwitch)

15) Drain life given a 3 second cooldown (Archwitch)

16) Added a 1m+ range to Uppercut, Trick Swing and Triple Bash to help close range characters in PvP

17) Increased Hand of Darkness PvP and PvE Damage +50%

18) Titan's Damage Reflection +3% Power

19) In order to balance out the weaker classes in both PvE and PvP the following changes are made:

19.1) Warmaster has been given +5% skill speed

19.2) Arch-Wizzard has been given +5% skill speed

19.3) Arch-Witch has been given +5% skill speed 

20) The Stun,stone,sleep,silence etc effect on II skills changed to 0.10% chance - if this is still too much we will just remove it! Thanks 

21) Blocked the following skills in quick panel buff bar: 

Death Motion

From Ex-Rogue and Arch-Mage

22) Added a 1.5 second cooldown to Death Motion to prevent skill bugging 

23) Lots of changes to PvP based on your feedback in game and based on screenshots sent to me about damages and from the PvP balance channel, its too much to list here, but please check and let me know how it is!
Extra changes:  (some of these are already in live server before this patch but its just documentation but not all of them):

- Nightshadow vs mage, sorcerer, titan +25% 
- Archer PvP Damage +10% and +15% to Knights
- Ex-Hunter damage +10%
- Witch damage -10%
- NS to cleric +30% damage 
- NS General PvP Damage +7%
- Sorc to Mage +20% damage 
- Royal Knight damage balance: as it was hitting 31k x 3 
- Wizzard PvP Damage to all classes +10% 
- Archer PvP Damage +10% and to witch +15% - extra 5% damage to RK's and TK's too 
- Ex-Ranger PvP Damage +20% 
- Specalist +10% damage dealt to rogues, mages and knights 
- Templar Knight Damage to Archer -20% 

The biggest feedback I get from PvP and PvE players is that PvE players dont want to do PvP to get rewarded, and PvP players do not want to do PvE therefore:

24) We have changed the [200] sets to a PvP Set including the weapons, with some different stats, this is now predominately a PvP Set and you will need the [Legendary] 200 PvE Set that comes from
zombies mode to be the best in PvE! The PvP Set stat changes will apply even if equipted and reforms will change too

25) The PvP Bionic Wings have been upgraded in stats (quite dramatically) 

26) The set buffs and options for the [200-PvP] set has been dramatically improved, enjoy!

27) DCS Siege Towers have been given x10 more HP stacks to make damage to towers option more desirable 

__PvP Content Patch__

As one of my favorite features in ALC the PvP League Championship has changed, to increase the use of this feature I have made the following changes: 

1) In the Juno NPC [PVP League Championship] there are 6 brand new Daily and Weekly Quests giving very good rewards!

1.2) The [Weekly] League Championship Expert quest will give you the brand new level 200 wings as another way to obtain them, instead of doing Cube

2) The biggest upgrade to this feature is the rewards avaliable for playing it, not only are the [200] [100] and [50] boxes been completely upgraded, but the Item Exchanger Shop is now one of the best in the game.

2.1) The ability to obtain the 200 PvP set just by playing this feature has been added

2.2) In addition, now the only other way apart from the Cash Shop to obtain a Reborn Skip Ticket is in this item exchanger, make sure to check out what else
you can get, because the rewards are pretty insane. 

2.3) I have changed the previous reward prices and lowered them, such as the PvP Accessory was 1,500 Tokens but now it is 500

3) We are working on some big events to use this feature and bring back some fun 1v1 action! 

4) We have added a multiclient and computer block to the PvP Championship to avoid abuse, if you enter in multiclient to abuse this system, you will not recieve any rewards and both of your
characters will be deducted -50 points each time you do this. 

5) Edited some functions in here, so it is a little easier to get to a higher stage than before therefore more rewards and a better ranking status  

6) Added PvP Battle Pass to the game! Check the below patch note to understand it all, and the guide will explain everything you need to know also!

7) The ability to gain full pvp set and battle pass points and boosters has been added to this map 

8) Made PvP Championship alot faster to get matches, shorter waiting time to enter and a 15 second timer when in the map - so this is very fast but you need to accept the enter pretty quick - its
now very fast paced PvP to help you get to the top of the rankings faster

9) As requested we have removed Cleric heals from this feature.This includes:

- Party Heal Master 
- Heal Master
- All other heal types 

__Battle Pass Feature Patch__

We have introduced a new battle pass feature to the game! As requested by many people. 

1) Located on the right of your screen is a new icon for the battle pass - you can click this to see which battle pass you have and what stage you are at 

2) There is a free version of the battle pass given to everyones characters (as you can imagine the rewards for the first few are not good because they are very easy to get) but rewards get incredible towards the end 

3) On the website item mall there is a item being sold called "Premium Battle Pass" when you double click this in the game it will activate the Premium Battle pass, and you will recieve both the [Free] and [Premium] Reward Boxes 

4) There is 10 stages for both free and premium, once you finish each stage click "Give Reward" and it will give you the reward directly to your inventory. 

5) The battle pass resets every month like the tier spender, on the 28th, and your premium battle pass will run out - very similar to how other games operate this system 

6) Now, there are a total of three ways to get battle pass points, obviously each stage will increase in difficulty each time

Way Number 1 - Farming any monster in the game will give a random amount of Battle Pass Points, all monsters are different

- Zombies mode will give x3 the amount of BP points than other monsters [See Zombies Patch Notes below]

Way Number 2 - Farming PvP in the new battle pass farming map "The Forest" .. introduced below 

Way Number 3 - Using Battle Pass Booster Tickets: Located in the item mall and game rewards, such as PvP Championship, quest rewards and the new immortality boss (see below)

__Battle Pass Farming Map__

1) In this patch we are introducing you to a brand new map called "The Forest"

2) The Forest is a brand new farming zone where you will get ALOT of battle pass points for killing monsters here - monsters also give a higher gold drop but do not drop any items 

3) The Forest will need a ticket to enter called "Forest Entry Ticket" double click it to teleport to the zone, if you do not have a ticket you cannot access the map

3.1) Forest Tickets are given in alot of rewards, on the item mall and from battle pass reward boxes too 

4) There are 2 new bosses in the Forest which drop some new items: The bosses also give an INSANE amount of battle pass points, so get them when you can!

Battle Pass Booster I - Double Click to Boost your Battle Pass by 50,000 points!
Battle Pass Booster II - Double Click to Boost your Battle Pass by 250,000 points!
Battle Pass Booster III - Double Click to Boost your Battle Pass by 1,000,000 points!
[Premium] Battle Pass Blessed Iris - Increases Battle Pass points by x3 when killing monsters and other players! Lasts 1 hour and can only be used by Premium Users with an active Battle Pass.

5) This map is full PvP map so you will have PK mode on all channels 

6) When killing another player in this map, you will gain a basic 50,000 Battle Pass Points, with the boosters it will stack and the maximum reward is 500,000 per player killed 

7) We have added an automation event to the game giving x2 battle pass rewards when active, stay tuned on discord for when we will host this event! 

8) Premium Battle Pass Ticket is tradeable, for those who do not want to buy it, they can sell to other players 

9) Added a battle pass pve title for the final reward aswell as other items 

Hope you enjoy!

10) I have created a very comprenhensive guide to explain everything further which will be posted after this patch 

_PvE Zombies Content Patch__

Okay.. here we have it... for the first time in Last Chaos History we bring you a Zombies Survival Mode! I will try not to include too much information here, but general notes, to understand
everything I have made a very comprehensive guide with all information that you need to know 

1) In the top right screen of your game you will see "Zombie Survival" click on this to check it out

2) This includes information guide, ranking system, help to explain some stuff and rewards so you can see what you can get

3) Zombies mode is avaliable as a weekend event opening at Fridays at Midnight and closing on Sundays at midnight, this gives you a week to prepare your parties and buffs etc, because you will need everything you have to defeat this!

4) Rankings will reset each week and rewards sent based on which stage you complete 

5) Each stage must be completed to move onto the next stage, monsters and bosses gain extra stats per round to make it harder as you progress (check guide for full information) 

6) You need a minimum of 3 players to enter the map and attempt the survival

7) Each 5 stages (e.g 5,10,15,25,30,35 etc etc... will be a boss round with amazing rewards

8) Added 5 brand new buffs to use in this zone that are avaliable from rewards, bosses and in the item mall and OPT shop

9) The Podium will clear all debuffs, run into it and out of it to survive instant death debuffs

10) Zombie walkers when killed will give good rewards but will also give an instant death debuff, if this is not cleared in time your whole party is wiped and you fail!

11) Several traps are located in this zone, when walked through your whole partyy recieves several debuffs! Lots more zombies will also appear so be careful!

12) There is a counter in the mode to check your current round, monsters quantity, deaths and traps! 

13) Each stage will give you some perks or some de-buffs, at a random chance, check each round to see which buff you get to know how to play each round! (Again check guide for full information) 

14) Added lots of rewards, perks and fun stuff in this map, so to keep these notes short, please please check the guide for full information! 

15) Every monster killed will drop a Survival Mode Token Box with alot of tokens inside, including a new Survival Token which can be used in the new Lacaball! 

16) Added a new PvE Accesory for Gift from the Stars v2 - It's called Gift from the Universe, its really hard to obtain and can be dropped from bosses above stage 100 only and the +200 stage
ranking reward 

17) Now I am introducing a brand new set to the game, the biggest feedback I get from PvP and PvE players is that PvE players dont want to do PvP to get rewarded, and PvP players do not want to do PvE therefore:

- I am introducing a new PvE set for level 200, this means that PvP players can do full PvP to get their PvP sets, and PvE players can do full PvE to get their sets. If you like both, then good! You can play everything
  the new set is called [Legendary] Maleficent Set - the stats are useless for PvP compared to the other set, but incredibly good for PvE 

- The new set can only be obtained from Zombies Survival Mode and Battle Pass and contains new PvE Armors, weapons and wings and accessories! The accessory as mentioned above is from the bosses only and ranking

- Zombie bosses from round 100+ will have a small chance to drop a pve armor piece box, which will give you 1 random piece. 

- Zombie stages after 100-200 (each 5 increment) will always give you x1 armor box, so if you do stage 105,110 and 115 your whole party will recieve x3 armor boxes

- Weapon and Wings boxes drop only from Bosses with a small chance, this set is extremely difficult to get because it has the best stats for PvE in the game, in addition the new PvE Legendary 200 Set Buff is one
of the best PvE Buffs in the game 

- Furthmore the final battle pass stage will give you all three of the Legendary boxes. 

- The set pages will help players who play PvE and PvP to change entire equiptment in one click, so it will be really nice and easy to change sets very fast! 

18) Added a zombie package to Aphelion Item Exchanger

19) Added a new Zombie NPC in juno who will give you Weekly and [Main] Quest lines - Check the ULTIMATE quest to complete 50,000 rounds because the rewards are very very juicy! 

20) In the Zombie Mode we have added titles that you will recieve when you defeat round 50, 60 , 70 ,80 ,90 , 100 ,125 ,150 and 200 - they last 5 days each but can accumulate several
if you play alot of this mode. The 200 title is ridiculosuly overpowered and will last 14 days - so if you get that, gg xD

__Immortality Boss Content Patch__

This is a fun one!

Located in Juno is a new boss that is completely immortal, however, you can still hit him, you must use auto attacks on this boss and it will do the following: 

1) When you are hitting (auto attacks) on the boss, every 50 hits you will recieve a random reward from a list

2) The anti-bot system is disabled in this zone you can afk attack if you wish

3) Listen carefully: 

* Every 100 hits is 1 reward*

- If you consequtively attack 7,500 hits in a row without relogging, you will recieve x2 random rewards

- If you consequtively attack 50,000 hits in a row without relogging, you will recieve x3 random rewards 

- If you consequtively attack 100,000 hits in a row without relogging, you will recieve x4 random rewards

- If you continue hitting, and reach 125,000 hits, it will reset and go back to 0 hits. So, if you reach x4 rewards you will get x4 rewards from 100,000-125,000 hits

I hope that makes sense.

4) Each item has a certain probability to drop 

5) I have added in the item mall a new Immortality Boss Booster Potion which will do the following: 

Instead of 100 hits per reward, when wearing this buff, you will get rewards every 50 hits instead, when attacking the new Immortality Boss!

6) There are 3 jackpot items that can be won with a low chance, once a jackpot is won, it will send a server announcement saying that someone has won one, if you 
have then good job because they are hard to get! 

7) If you relog, then your hit counter will be reset.

8) The gift from the universe new accessory can be obtained here 

8) Now, be careful, the rewards are good, but it will cost you 10,000 gold per hit, so make sure you have enough gold in your character or you will not recieve
any rewards! 

9) Check the items that you can recieve by the icons on the boss 

10) There is a multiclient check here but it works by having multiclients in Ch1 Juno, you can have a max of 2 multiclients in Juno on ch1 if you want to hit this boss 
otherwise if you have 5 open, 2 can stay in juno ch1 and the rest can be in other maps, or in different channels. 

__New Tanking / DPS / Healer System__

1) When you have a tank in your group (specalist earthsea evo, warmaster in tank stance or temple knight) the aggrovation from the monsters will instantly hit the tank

2) If there are two tanks in one group, the monsters will aggrovate towards the tank who is stronger

3) Clerics are now safe when healing - i.e monsters wont run to them

4) Monsters now understand who DPS are, Healer are and who Tanks are and will change some of their stats based on who they are hitting

5) This will be useful for zombies mode so that your party can survive better with the use of good tanks  

__PvE Rebalance Extra Patch Notes - Not Essential to Read__ 

1) All classes have been given a full PvE Balance to make all classes good in PvE. I still want some meta classes in PvE therefore, some will stay the strongest. Here you can see the before/after PvE Damages for each class: 


All classes are tested with the same reforms, same equiptment and same buffs at all times. Map tested is the new battle pass farming map. Monster is the same and all skills are learned for each class. 
Also testing is done with new legendary set buff (which includes attack and damage to monsters) So this is a full PvE character essentially. 

Test is also done with x3 of the new Universe PvE accessory - reformed and jeweled!


Summon of Ancient Weapon II Damage: 21,604,200 x1 
With berserker potion: 43,322,100 x1

Ghost Charm: 14,263,700 x3 
With berserker potion: 28,528,000 x3

No change was needed - Very strong class in PvE 


Sun Explosion: 21,479,800 x2
With berserker potion: 43,41,800 x2

Meteo II: 21,960,900 x1 
With berserker potion: 43,922,300 x1

Hand of Darkness: 11,376,200 x1 
With berserker potion: 22,799,000 x1

Earth Stones: 14,880,600 x2 
With berserker potion: 29,761,700 x2 

No change was needed. Kills very fast.



Deadly Light II: 18,429,000 x1
With berserker potion: 36,849,800 x1 

Soul Eater: 13,148,700 x3 
With berserker potions: 26,897,900 x3 


Deadly Light II: 21,428,000 x1
With berserker potion: 42,849,800 x1 

Soul Eater: 14,395,700 x3 
With berserker potions: 28,792,900 x3 

As a PvE Meta class - was given a 4.5% buff 

Arch Wizzard


Meteroite Strike: 18,238,324 x1
With berseker potion: 38,498,493 x1 

Golden Chaos Nova Beam: 11,107,314 x2 
With berserker potion: 23,157,790 x2

Demonic Suffering: 24,404,600 x2 
With berseker potion: 46,875,123 x2 


Meteroite Strike: 25,538,314 x1 [HIGH D.O.T DAMAGE]
With berseker potion: 50,214,674 x1

Golden Chaos Nova Beam: 15,147,300 x2 
With berserker potion: 30,294,700 x2

Demonic Suffering: 31,304,600 x2  [HIGH D.O.T DAMAGE]
With berseker potion: 62,487,100 x2 

Now probably one of the best to kill bosses with: 

With an insane 60m per hit, up to 120m with berserker! 

Arch Witch


Electric Shock II: 31,176,200 x2
With berseker potion: 62,352,800 x2

Blood Suck: 30,765,600 x1
With berseker potion: 62,352,800 x1


Electric Shock II: 35,852,600 x2
With berseker potion: 71,705,700 

Blood Suck: 35,380,400 x1
With berseker potion: 70,761,400 x1 

Now one of the best meta classes in PvE. With such high damage, upon x2 PvE Damage event can reach 150m hits per attack with bersker potion

Mage - Wizzard

Ice Ball II: 27,237,600 x1 
With berserker potion: 54,531,820 x1

Chaos Nova: 12,339,000 x2 
With berserker potion: 24,783,100 x2 

Summoner of Black Holes: 24,865,600 x2 
With berserker potion: 49,585,700 x2 

No change to damage, however; 

Added 3% magic power to the D.O.T damage of Black Holes skill which will make her a boss destroyer

Mage - Witch


Dark Smog II: 27,894,400 x1
With berkserker potion: 55,639,900 x1

Pentagrams Curse: 26,812,200 x2
With berserker potion:  26,812,200 x2 


Dark Smog II: 27,894,400 x1
With berkserker potion: 55,639,900 x1

Pentagrams Curse: 23,812,200 x3
With berserker potion:  23,812,200 x3 

Rogue - Assassin

Deadline II: 28,260,300 x1
With berserker potion: 56,852,700 x1

Boomerang Slash: 27,695,200 x2
With berserker potion: 55,390,500 x2 

Changes to "Deals damage to bosses +10%" 

After: (damage to bosses)

Deadline II: 33,912,360 x1
With berserker potion: 68,223,240 x1

Boomerang Slash: 33,234,240x2
With berserker potion: 66,468,600 x2 

Now making her one of the best close range classes for boss killing
Rogue - Ranger

Deceiving II: 29,772,700 x1 
With berserker potion: 59,545,500 x1

Sun Kissed: 33,266,660 x2 
With berserker potion: 66,533,800 x2 

No change neccessary. Probably one of the best meta PvE Farmers due to high range and skill speed

Ex-Rogue Ranger

Triple Slice II: 22,646,400 x3
With berserker potion: 45,292,800 x3

Ex-Ranger Earth Smash: 24,256,500 x2
With berserker potion: 48,513,600 x2 

No change needed, skills fast and has no target range for AoE. 

Again probably another meta alongside normal ranger
Ex-Rogue Assassin

Deadly Assassins Strike II: 29,437,600 x2
With berserker potion: 58,875,800 x2

Death and Destruction: 29,016,700 x1 
With berserker potion: 58,033,600 x1 

Probably the biggest changes: 


Deadly Assassins Strike II: 34,789,900 x2
With berserker potion: 69,805,500 x2

Death and Destruction: 34,296,700 x1 
With berserker potion: 68,585,200 x1 

Damage D.o.T increase by 2%


Deadline II: 37,092,300 x2 making her the hardest hitting single skill
With berserker potion: 74,851,100 x2 

Earths Arrow: 45,202,600 x 3 
With berserker potion: 90,405,300 x3 

No change is needed

Probably makes her the strongest PvE class in the game.

Soul Purification II: 34,717,500 x2 
With berserker potion: 69,435,100 x2 

Force of the Wind: 27,159,300 x3 
With berserker potion: 54,319,200 x3 

No change needed, very nice to farm with cleric

Royal Knight

Triple Bash II: 23,571,800 x3 
With berserker potion: 47,140,300 x3 

Blood Bath: 24,725,900 x2 
With berserker potion:  49,452,300 x2 


Added +25% damage to bosses making this class the best boss killer. 

Triple Bash II: : 29,464,750 x3 
With berserker potion: 58,925,375 x3 

Blood Bath: 30,907,375 x2 
With berserker potion:  61,815,475 x2

[To bosses only]
Templar Knight

Shield Chop II: 24,283,400 x1 
With berserker potion: 48,566,800 x1

Rising Strike Slash: 26,392,600 x2 
With berserker potion: 52,758,700 x2 

No change needed, good for a tank class


Trick Swing II: 24,418,500 x1 
With berserker potion: 48,373,100 x1 

Axial Smash: 20,929,800 x3 
With berserker potion: 41,955,700 x3 

No change needed, good and fast

Uppercut II: 28,619,600 x1 
With berserker potion: 57,159,600 x1 

Double Sword Strike: 20,475,800 x3 
With berserker potion: 40,951,600 x3 

No change needed, very strong and kills fast with new 5% skill speed +

Ok, so all classes are now very good but we are keeping some Meta classes that will absolutely annihilate: 

Here is my personal opinion on classes from best to worse

My opinion on the best to the worse: 

1) Archer
2) Arch-Witch
Also 2 since I cant decide) Night Shadow
3) Royal Knight
4) Arch-Wizard
5) Ex-Assassin
6) Ex-Rangers
7) Ranger
8) Witch
9) Assassin
10) Wizard
11) Specalist
12) Elemenatlist
13) Warmaster
14) Highlander
15) Cleric
16) Templar Knight 

It's hard to rank them since they are all now very good, but my own personal opinion is stated above. From my own tests in new Forest Map:

My opinions on each class
1) Elementalist: Incredibly strong damage vs bosses due to incredible skill speed, also pretty good with aoe since its fast and hits 3 hits per skill, a decent PvE player. 

2) Specalist: One of the best PvE classes, deals alot of damage to both bosses and monsters, can be played in Demon or Earthsea form as both deal sufficient damage, weak against bosses however unless in tank mode 

3) Nightshadow: One of the best PvE classes due to hitting x3 hits per target and very fast skill speed with soul nearby and fully buffed. Obliterates most targets pretty easily. 

4) Archwizard: One of the strongest hitting PvE classes with a very high DOT damage, great for demolishing bosses byusing Meteorite strike first then demonic suffering to cause DOT and high damage
               very good for boss killing. 

5) Archwitch: Probably the best class to play in PvE - the damages are the highest in game hitting up to 150m with berserker potions. Will obliterate monsters and bosses, definately essential for PvE Zombies mode

6) Normal Wizzard: Her new DOT on Black Holes makes her one of the strongest classes against bosses, black holes now hits up to 100m damage and obliterates targets, especially with soul near by 

7) Normal Witch: Now also one of the best PvE classes with pentagrams curse hitting 23m x3 - not the best for bosses but monsters can easily be destroyed by her skills 

8) Normal Assassin: One of the best boss killers due to fast skill speed and damage to bosses being buffed - aoe is good but not the best 

9) Normal Ranger: Probably one of the best hybrid PvE players - dealing incredible damage with fast skill speed by deceiving she will obliterate any PvE target, easy to play since no target needed for aoe 

10) Ex-Ranger: Also one of the best hybrid PvE players - dealing the second highest damagge in the game - very very good for bosses due to triple slice hitting three times with high damage payouts

11) Ex-Assassin: Her DOT makes her one of the best boss killers, with deadly assassin strike hitting 50m per hit, with fast skill speed she can demolish bosses on the same level as RK 

12) Archer: Now probably the best PvE class, high range, fast skill speed and the highest damage in game makes her the strongest for Bosses aswell as a hybrid playing of aoe damage being high 

13) Cleric: Not the best PvE farmer but she can kill things quickly, heal revive and buff party members she is essential in combat play, however she can easily farm herself 

14) Royal Knight: The best by far in boss demolishing due to the new 25% damage to boss buff, fast skill speed and a damage increase makes him the best against bosses and fast 1v1 monster combat, aoe is not the best but still fast

15) Templar Knight: Same as cleric, high defence means he wont die very easily, not huge damage but skills fast and can farm alone without the need of help, essential for Zombies Mode higher stages to tank 

16) Highlander: Not in the top rank but highlander skills fast dealing triple hits making him very good for AoE pve, not the best for bosses

17) Warmaster: Very quick skill with his new skill speed making him good for bosses, not amazing for aoe combat but deals good damage so it kills quick due to the 5% speed increase

Final note: This was tested with Blue Cube and not the Egeha Cubes, so the damages will reflect a little higher when equipted with the neccessary items as explained above!