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Change Theme - WHITE
New Patch - 2023 / 06 / 03

1) Fixed the timing issue with Impenetradble Defense from sorc

2) Fixed some error logs

3) Fixed all MCS/DCS/EJS Covers, they now have exactly the same stats as all other C2 

4) All Helmets C2 in game have been fixed with their stats, every single helmet should have exactly the correct stats now (all are HR) 

5) All monsters HP -50% [To prevent DMG cap]

6) PvE Total Damage on all classes -40% [To Prevent DMG cap] 

7) Bosses Fixed by drop rates being too low and fixed by Item Drop Booster/Superior Item Drop Booster not "popping" when killing: 

    - [FIRE] Satanic Soldier
    - [FIRE] Dual Sworded Devil
    - [FIRE] Lava Infested Salamander
    - [WORLD-BOSS] Realm Master
    - [Mini-Boss] Dragon Villan Caraxes Minion
    - [BOSS] Dragon Lord Caraxes
    - [BOSS] Maze Master Kolassus
    - [ICE] Crystallised Ice God
    - [ICE] Ice God Vandrielle
    - [ICE] Iced Giant
    - [ICE] Ice Realm Leader

7.1) All bosses have had HP, defence, level changes to make them less challenging, due to the new PvE HP (Example: Less HP Bars) 

8) [OTP] Guild Light of Honor Lv.4 30D is now fixed - it should give more damage than the normal levels 

9) Made some changes to stop Memory Loss happening so often 

10) Rogue Heavy Metal Guitar and Mage Heavy Metal Guitar can now be melded

11) I have listen to your concerns about the Jail Map and I know you all really want to farm it but without HP steal its hard, therefore I have deleted the attack from
    the monsters in Jail, so you can farm freely and only have to worry about PvP players coming to kill you! Hope this helps abit. 

12) Expedition Title got a new glow!

13) Changed Dungeon Ticket II costing 10,000 Tokens to 500

14) [Jaguar2] Shout of Flame is now 5 min duration instead of 2min 

15) New stacks of items to 500,000:

    - Potion of Pet Healing 
    - [P2] Premium Sincere Letter
    - [P2] Gold Leaf Bread
    - Rubix Cube Effect
    - Chaos Particles
    - Blue Cube
    - Pet EXP Booster

16) Vitality HP perk will not work in siege / ctf / dm  anymore :) 

17) Ch5 fixed 

18) Dmg cap fixed from 18mb to 23mb