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185 - Level Cap Patch Notes

Good Evening to the community of Aphelion Last Chaos


Today I bring you a patch that is months in the making, 100s of hours of work has gone into this and we have tried our best to test as well as we can to ensure that

the release is as smooth as possible, so I hope you enjoy reading the notes.


Note 1; There is alot of new content in this patch, please do not panic, I know you are very excited! But, lots of guide are about to be posted on how to do certain things


Note 2; All "old" items have been given a re-do or the ability to exchange them for some new items (i.e old runes to new runes etc)


Note 3; Take your time to read these notes, get familiar with everything that is new (as I said there is alot) Make sure to check the guides


Note 4; The staff team will be here all evening taking questions and delivering guideance on where you should start



The 185 Level Cap Patch at Aphelion Last Chaos Notes;



1) Well where to start, obviously we have raised the level to 185, you can now level up to 185 directly after this patch.


                - Leveling is going to take a little bit of time but you can skip some easier quests which are pretty fast and gain some experience whilst killing monsters


                - Leveling is given in The Four Realms Map by quests till 182-183 - leveling in other maps will give 0 exp so dont try it!


                - At 182-185 there are daily quests to level up make sure to do them everyday to hit 185 in approx. 1-2 days


                - Lots of new skills have been unlocked, make sure to check the "New Skill Guide" and full notes below to find out what each does


2) All old monsters and bosses etc have been leveled up to 185 so you can still farm them and items will still drop!


3) Lets introduce the new maps;


                The teleporters for all maps are located in Juno - however to enter the Maze dungeon you must go to the teleporter in The Four Realms Map


                The Four Realms:


                - This is your leveling map, speak to the Realm Champion to start your main quest line - this will take you to approximately level 182-183 dependent.


                - This map has lots of daily and weekly quests so make sure to complete them all, you will need to finish them to benefit the most and to complete the affinity


                - This map has several bosses, a world boss, a random world boss, and a realm boss in each of the four zones


                - The Four Realms are as follows; Realm 1: The Abanonded Juno Realm, Realm 2: The Orge Realm, Realm 3: The Undead Realm (Vampires / Werewolves) and Realm 4: The Forest Realm


                - Each realm has crafting items that can be obtained by mining the NPC's dotted around or by killing the Realm Bosses as they will drop x100 of each material


                - There is a small arena, item exchangers for the new sets and the teleporter to the Great Maze map in this location


                - A new affinity is located in this map by killing monsters giving some very good rewards and titles


                - Finally, this map will give you the ability to collect one of the new wings from a 5 part quest called "Redbull Gives you Wings"


                Extreme Juno:


                - This is the funnest map I have ever created, it is a FULL fun PVE map with lots of things happening;


                - The ability to craft new runes are located here


                - The NPC for the new Daily Card Hunter Quests is located here (see full patch notes below for this event)


                - A new affinity giving some crazy good rewards located here


                - Lots of old monsters and bosses located here, be careful they are too cute to kill!


                - Tens and tens of daily quests, weekly quests and fun things to do!


                - Lots of rewards for killing the monsters and bosses


                - Brand new PVE Siege every Wedensday is located on this map (see patch notes below for full details)


                - A beautiful designed throne room is located in this map, check it out! With the item exchanger NPC!


                - Speak to Merchant Dorina to get some great rewards from Extreme Juno Tokens


                - New lacaball added from items dropped in this map


                - New Premium C2 shops located in this map


                - A huge new PVP arena located in the town of this map


                - New Random World Bosses appear with server teleportation - be the first to kill them!


                The Great Maze:


                - This is a new dungeon room with no SAFE zone so be careful!


                - New Affinity located here


                - Lots of daily and weekly quests located here


                - This map gives you the ability to farm your new sets and drop your new weapons from the bosses so get farming!


                - New Maze Token for lacaball added here


                - New Mini-bosses added here with some fun rewards



4) Fire and Ice Permanent Siege:


                - Ok, lets keep this one simple


                - Go to the PVP Manager to choose your side, applications to a realm is free but you must be level 185


                - There is Fire and Ice sides, each with different maps, different bosses and different monsters


                - There is a new affinity here for your side, but you may only join the affinity on your side.


                - At the arena, you can teleport to your realm, to farm, just saying this is the best gold drop on the server and the mobs drop some useful items too


                - Now, there are 4 different towers located in each realm, they are strong.. so be careful, they attack, stone, stun and silence you so make sure to attack them as a group (can only attack opposite side tower)


                - When towers are being attacked a server message appears only on Ch1 - so make sure you protect your towers


                - Each siege lasts for 24 hours before the reset (at midnight it will reset automatically)


                - When killing a player you recieve 1 point to your side - you will also drop a PvP Fire Trophy or PvP Ice Trophy dependent on the side you choose


                - Furthermore, when killing a tower, your side will gain a huge 10 points so make sure to hunt towers all day! They respawn every 10 minutes


                - When a side is winning, all players registered to this affinity will be given The Winning Realm Blessing giving some insane stats, so make sure your side is always winning to keep the buff! If you loose it

                  go to the enenmy side and kill towers and players!


                - This is a full PVP map so you can attack other players without PK mode on.


                - There is affinity rewards, titles and when you KILL a player you will recieve, 10,000 affinity contribution points - monsters do not give affinity, only pking each other


                - In addition, new wings, and items are located at Item Exchangers in both maps so you can grab what you want from either side, but be careful not to be killed


                - Lastly, if you want to teleport to the OPPOSITE side, you need a "Order of Fire/Ice Realm Zone" which can be given from affinity rewards, new lacaball and quests. Each time you teleport you will use

                  one Order so make sure you have enough when you want to battle.


                - Finally, a BRAND NEW ARTIFACT "Blessing from the Solar System" will be dropped either in Fire or Ice Realm - HOWEVER only one will ever drop, this means, if someone in the Ice Zone got the new artifact

                  and is farming some insane gold with it, teleport to the other side and kill them and take the artifact back to your side to be safer! This artifact gives incredible buffs so be careful attacking the

                  player who has it - I am sure they will want to defend their artifact.


                - Once the artifact is lost, by relog the ability to drop it will occur again, however, if artifact of angels are already dropped, it will not drop, and vice-versa, so make sure to hunt players with

                  the angel artifact to drop the new one!


                - We will be hosting many PVP events in these sides so stay tuned for the Events to be posted


                - Final Note: HP Stealer doesnt work in this zone so please make sure you have medicines at the ready when playing PVE here!


5) New Type of Party Expedition:


                - Introducing the new Expedition Map; Reticulum


                - This is a new style of Expedition and is a Boss Wave Round System


                - There will be no monsters in this Dungeon just big waves of bosses!


                - Kill the "Stage Starter NPC" to start each wave - once the first boss is killed - Kill the "Stage Starter NPC" again to initate round 2 and etc.


                - When you kill the final boss you get your rewards


                - Normal and Hard Versions will give you some rewards!


                - Hell Version will give you INSANE rewards - including Perk Points and a Brand New Token: Party Expedition Coin


                - Once you finish 200 rounds you get a brand new title too! Enjoy this! ♥


                - Finally, in Hell mode of the new dungeon each run will give you 1 Party Expedition Coin for a new insane lacaball - the best rewards I've ever seen on a lacaball before!


6) Introduced lvl 6 jewels to the game - obtainable all over Iris


7) Introduced three new wings to max level which can be obtained by; Quests, Boss drop and Tokens crafting


                - Rainbow Wings [PVP Wings]

                - Pheonix Wings [PVE Wings]

                - Peacock Wings [Utility Wings]


8) Guild Boss Server Event [Daily]:


                - This is by far my favorite part of this patch, pay attention;


                - Everyday at 19:00 GMT - Subserver:2 - the Guild Boss Server Event will start [Lasts 10 minutes only till event ends so make sure to gather your members to kill it fast!]


                - ******IMPORTANT***** to participate, your guild members (at least 1) MUST be in the guild boss room 1 MINUTE BEFORE THE EVENT STARTS - I would recommend staying in guild hall at 18;55


                - When you have someone in the guild hall, and the event starts, the boss will appear in the newly designed guild boss hall room (youll see it when you enter the guild hall)


                - Once the timer starts, you have 60 seconds to buff up, get ready to kill the boss


                - Damage will not be done to the boss during the 60 second timer


                - Once you kill the boss, your guild will be entered into the Guild Boss Ranking in the Guild Actions Tab


                - When the boss is killed, all players in the guild hall that belong to your guild will recieve a Package for killing him!


                - Each week, the ranking for #1 #2 and #3 fastest guilds will be given a reward, all guild members will recieve this reward for being in the top rankings


                - Added a GM command to allow the event to run anytime we want and we will host special events for killing him etc


                - For the fastest guild, they will recieve a new special title to show off, lasts 7 days


9) New Server World Boss Event [Daily]:


                - Similar to Artificial Intellignce boss there is a brand new system!


                - At 1pm everyday server time you will be given a notification to summon to the boss on Ch2 - This will take you to our new map "Server World Boss Room"


                - When this boss is killed it will buff all of Ch2


                - When this boss is killed it will give all players around him some special items up to x10 of each item (Gotta be lucky!)


                - When this boss is killed he will also drop the new [Legendary] Pet Collar Box to 1 special player so good luck to recieve it!


                - Participate in this server event x3 a week to finish a brand new Weekly Quest with insane rewards!


10) Christmas Event 2022:



                - Merry Christmas Aphelion Last Chaos! Welcome to your first ever Christmas Update in 2022 on Aphelion LC - this is our first one so we better make it go!


                - Check out juno for a beautifully designed map with lots of christmassy decorations everywhere!


                - In Juno Santa Claus is located near the fountain with his Ostrich and Polar Bear! Speak to Santa Claus to do some amazing Daily and Weekly quests with amazing rewards too!


                - Check out the new Christmas Lacaball


                - Lots of new christmas items added to the game


                - 4 Different Christmas bosses located all over maps! Try to find them to get their rewards and complete your quests


                - In Juno there are two new Snowmen by Theodore, one is a lottery shop and the other is an item exchanger to spend your Christmas Quest Tokens


                - The Christmas Lottery will be announced on the discord; this is how it works


                                - There are 3 lottery tickets sold in this shop 500m / 1b / 2b


                                - Each ticket you have = 1 entry, so if you have 10 tickets you get 10 entries if you have 50,000 tickets you get 50,000 entries


                                - 25th of Decemeber all tickets will be added and spun to see who wins! Grand prize of 1,000,000 Cash!!!!!!!


                                - Good Luck!


                - The item exchanger have some amazing rewards for you!


                - 4 New Christmas Pets added to the game including the new [Legendary] Polar Bear! But he is hard to get so be warned!


                - Added Snowman Costume C2 to the item mall


                - Added Christmas weapon C2 to the item mall


                - Over 8 Discord events are about to be posted after this patch to make sure to read them and see the amazing rewards they give!


                - New Christmas (TEMPORARY) buffs - will work same as halloween, at end of patch u can change them for something else, but will be deleted at end of the event


                - Lots of Christmas themed events will be posted within the game and throughout discord so stay tuned!


                - Recieve the Christmas blessing from the Christmas Tree in Juno fountain!


                - Juno gets a HUGE decoration boost when the entire server donates over 100,000 christmas decorations so make sure to pick them up and donate to the Tree!



11) New Legendary P2 Pets:


                - All Legendary Pets have been given a super duper uper booper buff! They are incredibly strong and have alot of defence and health so they will surely be the best pets to help you in combat


                - All Legendary Pets now have the buff "[Aphelion Legendary Pet Buff]" make sure to learn the skill and apply it in your pet fairy!


                - Added a new [Legendary] Lucky Collar Box in the game, this drops from the new server boss and exchanger shops around, but theyre not easy to get so beware!


                - The ability to purchase these pets on the website cash shop will end at midnight tonight


12) New Weapons and Armor Sets [Hr/Eva]:


                - Ok here is the deal, there are two sets, one hit rate and one evasion, so choose what you want, mix and match it doesn't matter, use what you think will be best for your class!


                - To obtain the 185 Weapons there are 2 World Bosses in the Great Maze Maps - simply kill them to drop your weapons


                - The weapons have rare options and there are several stats that you can unlock (Similar to B5/B6 system)


                - Weak Fusion is the worse stats

                - Strong Fustion is the next step

                - Heroic Fusion is the next step

                - Godly Fusion are the best stats, so good luck to obtain a Godly Fused weapon quickly! You will surely be the strongest with this weapon

                - Weapons are not reformable


                - Secondly, the armor is simple, all items needed come from "Pouch of Armory I and Pouch of Armory II" which are farmed in the Great Maze from all mobs, from affinity rewards

                  daily quests and much more, when you have enough mats head over to the Equiptment Exchangers in the middle of The Four Realms to take your desired sets.


                - All sets are reformable and equiptment reforge catalyst can be used


                - Enjoy!


13) Cash Shop Changes;


                - Lots of price changes

                - Lots of new packages

                - Lots of new items

                - Lots of new costumes


14) New Items:


                - Magic Lamps

                - Supernova Moonstone

                - Extreme Juno Aff Booster x6

                - The Maze Aff Booster x6

                - Frostcore Aff Booster x6


14.1) Magic Lamps:


                - This is a new system in game with a Jackpot prize always


                - All magic lamps contain the same items, however your specialist Magic Lamps will give you (if you're lucky) a [Jackpot] item


                - These jackpot items can be for example;  [Jackpot] Up to 1M cash, Premium Chenille x25,000 and Pouch of Armory x5000


                - Be lucky to win the Jackpot, once you open a jackpot item a server message will appear so everyone knows just how lucky you are!


                - Good Luck!


14.2) Supernova Moonstone - Avalible in Moonstone Boxes or dropped in Ice/Fire Realm Monsters


                - They contain some really useful items so good luck to get what you need and want!


15) Brand New Custom Runes;


                - In Extreme Juno there is a new exchanger called "Extreme Juno Item Exchanger"


                - There are a total of 8 new runes all with different stats for PVP, PVE and Utilities


                - Some runes may replace others so choose which ones you want to use for different situations!


                - All runes needs items dropped from Exteme Juno Monsters and a final item given at the end of Extreme Juno Affinity in the shop!


                - Be the first to get them and show everyoone your power!


16) New Special C2 NPC's & Premium Chenille Fabric;


                - Added the new Premium Chenille Fabric to the game which can be obtained from rewards at quests and in magic lamps only!



                - Christmas Sweaters

                - Pride C2

                - Nike Running Gear

                - NASA Engineer C2

                - Marine C2

                - Khione C2

                - Hiroshi C2

                - Disney Costume C2

                - Akatsuki C2

                - New Special Crowns & Hair Covers in the item mall

                - New Melding Cape in the item mall

                - New Pirate Hats C2 in the item mall


17) Cash Shop On Website: [Coming at the end of the week]


18) Online Time Point Shop On Website: [Coming at the end of the week]


19) New Ranking System:


                - In this patch I have added codes that will AUTOMATICALLY reset all rankings every week without fail, this has been tested and works perfectly


                - Added Ranking Rewards to the Top 1 & 2 and 3 for each ranking, this list includes;


                1) PvP Ranking

                2) Lottery Ranking

                3) Combat Power Ranking

                4) Monster Ranking

                5) Boss Ranking

                6) Cube Ranking

                7) Expedition Ranking

                8) Iris Book Ranking


                - All rewards will be posted as a guide shortly


                - IMPORTANT: When the ranking resets, you will recieve the reward box directly to your inventory (doesn't matter if online or offline) BUT YOU MUST HAVE 1 SPACE IN YOUR INVENTORY ON SUNDAY



                - If for any reason the rewards are not sent I have implemented a new GM command that will automatically send all ranking rewards to the top players


                - If for any reason the ranking does not reset automatically I have implemented a new GM command that will automatically reset all rankings at once


                - All rewards for ranking have been updated and improved (Old and new)


20) New Perk System:


                - The Perk System is a contribution point system - when you press "J" in game you can open up "Perk Points"


                - You can have a maximum of 500 Perk Points - double click "Perk Point Scroll" when you get them to add a point ( Drops in New Party Expedition and Magic Lamps and level quest )


                - The points stay permanently and will never be removed from your character


                - You can add or deduce points to a random stat applied (Hover over the name of the Perk to see what it does) when you unlock 25/50/75/100 you get new skills and player / mob debuffs


                - All 100/100 skills are player/NPC debuff so read carefully what you want - this is a new debuff system and you will see when a player is de-buffing you.


                - When in combat with party use your knowlegde to split the debuffs up between your players to have the most productivity against other players


                - You can use a Perk Point Reset Point to reset all points for free or pay 500m per deduction of singular points


                - You have the ability to change the skills you use in different situations, i.e for siege you may want - casting speed and - hp, but pve youll want pve damage and attack. You can reset

                  as often as you like with the Perk Point Reset Scroll


                - A full guide will be posted on this shortly, but first get you 500 points and worry about the stats later, because you can reset them pretty easily!


21) Reborn System:[Coming in the next few days]


22) All bosses have been given a summon book to summon them (Inlcuding new ones) which are avaliable in the Magic Lamp: Summon Book Jackpot Prize or elsewhere


22) Removed all server messages from winning items in boxes apart from Jackpot Items


23) New Anti-Hack System;


                - In this patch I have added 2 new key features to Aphelion LC's Anti-Hack, as I am very transparent with you all I will explain what this means.


                - The first feature is a block for all scripts, its a new type of anti-cheat that has been tested alot in the test server, I now have the ability to block

                  all new scripts that are developed for LC - this means there may be anti-hack updates every week to keep on top and to continue blocking them, but I will keep you updated

                  from our tests you can no longer hack in Aphelion LC.


                - The second feature you saw in Sneek Peeks is now your animation casting time for each skil will be logged, with this log I can see who edits their animation & I can see any maniuplation to the animation speed,

                  so this means if any new hack is released that I have not fixed yet, I can still see your animation casting speed and compare to others to catch out hackers.


                - I hope this brings pleasure to you, I will continue to work and make Aphelion LC Hack Free, but I am fairly confident this is a BIG boost to the game, so I don't want to keep hearing

                  "Bla bla bla this person is hacking" because you can't alter values anymore.


                - I will be honest this has increased the amount of client closes however, I believe it is worth it to remain hack free so bare with me whilst I try to minimise as much of these as possible


24) Using your pre-release tokens;


                - This is simple, you now have the ability to exchange your tokens for some new items


                - In juno there is [Pre-Release] Token Exchanger speak to the NPC and click "Item Exchanger" to check what you can trade your tokens for


25) New Server Daily Quest Event in Extreme Juno;


                - Welcome to your new daily server event! Everyday when you log in you will automatically be selected a random quest from a selection of alot!


                - To complete this quest you need to collect some cards from a deck! (i.e Ace of Spades, Nine of Hearts, Ten of Clubs etc)


                - You can find these cards in Extreme Juno, all cards have a 2 hour timer, so be lucky to drop the correct cards on the correct day!


                - At midnight the cards quest will end and a new one will be selected, so be fast to finish your quest otherwise you'll miss out!


                - There are a total of 29 quests that can be selected at random each day


                - All quests have different rewards and different cards are needed! Good Luck!


26) Added a 165 jump potion to the item mall


27) The max + on the weapons and armor is now raised to +28


28) Lots of new items added to the item mall;


                - +26 Refining Stone 1/7/30D

                - +27 Refining Stone 1/7/30D

                - Packages and so much more, check it out


29) Added a new code to prevent Memory Loss - These should be greatly reduced in this patch! Enjoy and I'd love to hear feedback!


                - This means u cannot see names of items that drop for now


                - All effects in juno will be cleared every 5 minutes to prevent memory loss


                - Lots of other edits to prevent memory loss


30) New lacaballs;


                Check the lacaball page to see the new lacaballs for;


                30.1) Extreme Juno Token


                30.2) Fire Pvp Trophy


                30.3) Ice PvP Trophy


                30.4) The Maze Trophy


                30.5) Party Expedition Coin


                30.6) Christmas Lacaball Ticket


31) Brand New Wednesday PvE Siege;


                - Read carefully please;


                - Every Wednesday at 20:00 GMT a new Extreme Juno Siege will commence - this is a full PvE Siege and it works this way


                - In extreme Juno you can register with your guild leader to participate in the siege - when registered you will be asked to teleport to the siege area zone


                - If more than 3 guilds are registered there will be a "Pre-Fight" for 15 minutes similar to MCS - during this time, the defending guild should try to kill as many mobs as possible

                  to try and keep their siege


                - The attacking guilds should try to get #1 #2 or #3 in order to pass to the second round of EJCS


                - After 15 minutes the top 3 guilds will be passed to the final stage


                - You will recieve siege attendance tickets when playing in this siege


                - For the last 45 minutes the top 3 guilds will compete to kill the most amount of monsters


                - There is a siege boss that summons every 10 minutes and will give 250 points to the guild that kill it


                - The guild who ends the siege with the most points (or if the defeners win by having more points) that guild will win


                - In addition, the winners will recieve a Winner Package with a new title and lots of amazing items


                - In addition, the guild who occupies the siege will recieve a green name for all of their members



32) EP2 Animations Changes;


                - In this patch we are reverting to the old Ep2 animations


                - This means all skills are 100% better looking animations


                - This also means that all skills are extremely smooth, and have no lag or latency issues so enjoy this is a huge QOL upgrade!


33) Anti-Dupe System;


                - Added alot of protection regarding duping :)


34) Chaos Balls got a dramatic buff! New guide will be posted soon


35) Castle Siege Token Lacaball has been buffed


36) Lots of daily quests added in all new zones to keep you busy and to farm quicker and better!


37) Fixed an issue in PVP where HP was going down with delay/lag so medicines were hard to use, now its alot smoother and u can see it go down well


38) Fixed issue in DCS where portals were unable to open - this is now fixed and portals show the correct animations and graphic and will open 100% of the time without fail


39) A new Online Time Point Shop will be added to the website at the end of the week


40) A new Cash Shop on the website will be added at the end of the week


41) A new tier spender will be added at the end of the month on the website


42) New OX Room Rewards/Quiz Questions will be added by the end of the week


43) Royal Knight Animation Changes;


                - Royal Knights animation changes has commenced in this patch, the Ep2 stance with "lower" duels has been added and now animations are alot smoother and cleaner for this class


                - This means royal knight tb has become slower, now in this patch to combat this, Offence Posture gives 9% skill speed when used, to keep the same speed of triple bash as before - enjoy :)


                - This will also help the ability for Royal Knight to be better in PvE especially during AOE as many of you have complained he sucks!


44) I have added in the "Iris Book Ticket" I would suggest for you to keep these and farm as many as you can, Iris Book is on its way in a future patch!


45) Increased the Maximum Quest Accepts from 40 quests to 80 quests


46) Added several new colors for name changing in the item mall including black, maroon, purple etc! Enjoy


47) Added new cards to the item mall which allows you to transfer perk points, affinities and realms!


48) Upgraded Daily Guild Quest Rewards


49) Upgraded Castellan Champion Pack rewards


50) Added the Pre-Release Packages and edited their rewards these will be sent by Midnight - please tell me if you did not yet recieve yours


51) Changed all rewards in the Tier Spender Boxes! Lots of new items and goodies so enjoy!



General Notes:


1) Fixed Magic Rabbit Collar Quest - now given at Lorrain


2) Fixed "Strong Will" Skill


3) The ability to obtain Catalyst Reforge has been lowered


4) Damage Link and Barrier skill no longer combine together


5) Improved some old titles


6) Changed rewards in lots of boxes and prizes to match some new items


7) Removed alot of server announcements to stop the spamm


8) Misty Canyon has now been locked for after level 165


9) Fixed Rewards from cube affinity


10) Added Supernova Moonstones to the Moonstone Box


11) Fixed some server crashes that happened last week


12) The Anti-AFK Bot System writing has been changed from red to white


13) Highlander PvE Damage +30%


14) Title Upgrades on all seals;


                -  [-] I am the Cube Conqueror [-]


                - * The Black Friday King *


                - Incredible Patreon Supporter


                - [*]*[*]*[*]Cosmonaut Champion[*]*[*]*[*]


                - [*] Expeditions is normality to me [*]


                - [Frostcore Realm Tyrant]


                - *Loyal Donator*


                - - Expert in Flag Capturing -


15) Increased [AOE] Slow Shot Range by +5 Metres


16) Disabled some old buffs to stop the error logs happening when you exceed too much buffs


17) Golden Satchels have been upgraded totally


18) Added all guilds icons who requested for emblem


19) Upgraded the rewards in Aphelion LC Care Package with some new items :)


20) Upgraded ADM visiblity and features in game to make my work faster for you! Im happy with this one!


21) Pre-Release Tokens are now tradeable


22) Improved Hand Drops (Bravery etc..)


23) The ability to trade Chenille Fabric to Premium Chenille Fabric has been added at Merchant Dorina in Extreme Juno


25) Big Rewards added to Capture the Flag / Death Match Exchanger in Juno 


31) Many small bug fixes everywhere (i.e gold icons in places and bugged quests etc)


32) Added a new PVP title to be given at ranking rewards and PVP events


33) Added a new PVP zone to host PVP events (Stadium)


34) When level 165+ all zones apart from Tarian will give 1 exp - to make you do the quests to level so dont try :P


35) Capped EXP Pet Cooldown Timer to lvl 169 so you can level 165-170 with pets if you wish.


36) Added the ability to alter database functions live server (this means I can change values [exp, hp, attack, def, drop rates] etc without having to reboot the server so I will be

    able to fix alot of bugs without having to constantly reboot


37) Added the ability to swap old runes for new fragments for new ones


38) Fixed 3 server crashes


39) Fixed some random error logs


40) Lots of new C2 weapons coming to the OPT!




PvP and PvE Notes & Updates:


1) In the level cap patch alot of new skills are unlocked, here I will explain what is done with all of them so you can keep track of what is new;


Highlanders Unlocked Skills & What does it do?


Control Mastery 2 - Lv 2 --> Increase the chance of a critical hit by 300 (Previous level = 200)


Concentrate Attack Lv 4 --> Instantly increase attack power by 2,000 (Previous level = 1,500)


Spin Chop Lvl 4 and Lvl 5 --> Range skill to roundly chop opponents by 292% DMG (Previous level 4 = 220% and lvl 5 = 242%)


Scream of Highlander Lvl 4 and Lvl 5 --> Temporarily increases max EVASION by 3,000 (Previous Level 3 = 1,00 and Lvl 4 = 1,500)


Axe Crasher Lvl 8 --> Deals damage of equivelent 47% DMG and causes bleeding of 1,100 HP and stun chance 90% (Previous Level = 47% damage, 500 bleeding and 75% stun chance)


Twister Lvl 3 --> Deals dmg equivalent to 55% DMG (Previous level = 18% DMG)


Wild Axe Lvl 4 --> Deals dmg equivalent to 55% DMG (Previous level = 17% DMG)



Warmasters Unlocked Skills & What does it do?


Ground Charge Lvl 3 --> Deals dmg equivalent to 51% DMG (Previous level = 16% DMG)


Power Magnum 2 Lv 4 --> Deals dmg equivalent to 43% DMG (Previous level = 19.6% DMG)


Uppercut lvl 5 --> Deals dmg equivalent to 185% DMG (Previous level = 15% DMG)


Weapon Mastery 2 Lv. 3 - Attack Power Increased by 1,200 (Previous level = 90)


Scream of War master Lv 4 - Increases max HP by 9,000 (Previous level = 6000)


Concentration attack Lv 4 - Increases attack power by 3,000 (Previous level = 2,000)



Royal Knight Unlocked Skills & What does it do?


Two hand pierce Lv 5 --> Deals dmg equivalent to 143% DMG (Previous level = 110%)


Offence posture lv 4 --> Increases attack power by 3,000 (Previous level = 2,000)


Aura of accuracy Lv 4 --> Increases HR / Magic HR by 750 (Previous level = 450)


Double Bash lvl 12 --> Deals dmg equivalent to 16% DMG (Previous level = 9%)


Triple Bash Lv 12 --> Deals dmg equivalent to 6% DMG (Previous level  = 5%)


[AOE] Sword wave Lv 5 --> Deals dmg equivalent to 345% DMG (Previous level = 250% DMG)


Spray-outs Lv 3 --> Deals dmg equivalent to 50% DMG (Previous level = 13.5% DMG)


Dual Sword mastery Lv 4 --> Increases attack power by 2,000 (Previous level = 2,000)


Kick Lv 4 --> Deals dmg equivalent to 78.6% DMG (Previous level = 32k)



Templar Knight Unlocked Skills & What does it do?


Wall of belief Lv 13 --> Increases defense by 15,000 & Increases HP by 25,000 (Previous level = 12,000 and 0)


Protection Lv 11 --> Increases defense by 1,000 (Previous level = 500)


Baller Lv 8 --> Increases phyiscal power by 3,500 (Previous level = 3,500)


Wrath of light Lv 3 --> Decreases all stats of enemy by -2,500 (Previous level = -500)


Shield of Light Lv 3 --> All buffs increases by 3%


Weapon breaker 2 Lv 6 --> Decreases enemies attack by -2,000 and deals 81% DMG (Previous level  = -1,000 and 54% DMG)


Provoke Lv 8 --> Taunt Provocation efficiency 10000% (Previous level 2000%)


Mana Break 2 Lv 6 --> Decreases enemies attack and magic attack by -2,500 (Previous level = -500)


[AOE] Shield Chop Lv 4 --> Deals dmg equivalent to 70% DMG (Previous level  = 45.6% DMG)


Defense Posture Lv 4 --> Increases defence by 50,000 (Previous level = 25,000)


Aura of Defence Lv 5 --> Increases defence by 3,000 (Previous level = 700)


Kick Lv4 --> Deals dmg equivalent to 41.5% DMG (Previous level = 35% DMG)



Assassin Unlocked Skills & What does it do?


Throw Dagger Lv 3 --> Deals dmg equivalent to 12.2% DMG (Previous level = 6.8% DMG)


Double Strike Lv 11 --> Deals dmg equivalent to 70% dmg (Previous level = 18% DMG)


Hide step Lv 10 --> Deals dmg equivalent to 62% DMG (Previous level = 62% DMG)


Traps Lv 6 --> No change


Fatal Blow Lv 6 --> Deals dmg equivalent to 28% DMG (Previous level = 28% DMG)


Deadline Lv 5 --> Deals dmg equivalent to 143% DMG (Previous level = 120% DMG)


[AOE] Field Splitting Lv 3 --> Deals dmg equivalent to 150% DMG (Previous level = 90%)


Critical mastery Lv 3 --> No change


Dagger mastery Lv 4 - Increases attack power by 1,500 (Previous level = 850)


Storm Lv 4 --> Deals dmg equivalent to 33% DMG (Previous level = 27%)



Assassin Unlocked Skills & What does it do?


Flame Arrow Lv 7 --> Deals dmg equivalent to 34% DMG (Previous level = 23% DMG)


Hide Shot Lv 9 --> Deals dmg equivalent to 87% DMG (Previous level = 18% DMG)


Stun Shot Lv 6 --> Deals dmg equivalent to 79% DMG and stuns with a chance of 90% (Previous level = 39% DMG and 80% stun)


Power up Lv 4 --> Increases attack power by 2,500 (Previous level = 1.2k)


[AOE] Storm Shot Lv 3 --> Deals DMG equivalent to 255% DMG (Previous level = 150%)


Deadly mastery Lv 3 --> Increases MAX HP by 12,500 (Previous level = 9,500)


Focus Lv 3 --> Increases HR by 1,800 and Evasion by 2,500 (Previous level = 2,000)


Dexterity of Rouge Lv 2 --> Increases Dexiterity by 1,500 (Previous level = 10 lol)



Wizzard Unlocked Skills & What does it do?


Flame Field Lv 11 --> Deals DMG equivalent to 32% DMG (Previous level = 27% DMG)


Mana Flow Lv 11 --> Increases maximum MP by 30,000 (Previous level = 750)


[AOE] Chaos Nova Lv 8 --> Deals DMG equivalent to 90% DMG (Previous level = 70% DMG)


Fireball Lv 5 --> Deals DMG equivalent to 37% DMG (Previous level = 27% DMG)


Wind Storm Lv 5 --> Deals DMG equivalent to 76% DMG (Previous level = 37% DMG)


Ice Ball Lv 4 --> Deals DMG equivalent to 180% DMG (Previous level = 68% DMG)


Secret Study Mastery Lv 4 --> Increases magic by 500, HR 2,000 and Magic HR 2,000 (Previous level = 0)


Spring of HP Lv 3 --> Increases maximum HP by 5,000 (Previous level = 2,500)



Witch Unlocked Skills & What does it do?


Support Magic Lv 10 --> Increases max HP by 3,000 (Previous level = 750)


Burning flame Lv 11 --> Causes bleeding by 10,000 HP every second (Previous level = 6,500)


Hell's Fireball Lv 3 --> Deals DMG equivalent to 52% DMG (Previous level = 14% DMG)


Epidemic Lv 11 --> Causes enemy decay by 5,000 (Previous level = 4,000)


Parasite Lv 6 --> No change


Mental Preserve Lv 10 --> Increases defense by 2,000 (Previous level = 1,500)


Secret Study Mastery Lv 4 --> Increases magic attack by 300 (Previous level = 140)


Darkness arrow Lv 4 --> Deals DMG equivalent to 45% DMG (Previous level = 40% DMG)


[AOE] Dark Smog Lv 4 --> Deals DMG equivalent to 140% DMG (Previous level = 72% DMG)



Archer Unlocked Skills & What does it do?


Blue Arrow Wind Lv 3 --> Deals DMG equivalent to 50% DMG (Previous level = 13% DMG)


Deadline Lv 5 --> Deals DMG equivalent to 35% DMG (Previous level = 23% DMG)


Paralyzing Arrow Lv8 --> Deals DMG equivalent to 29% DMG (Previous level = 9,4%)


Fatal blow Lv 6 --> Deals DMG equivalent to 43% DMG (Previous level = 37%)


Skilled archery Lv 4 --> No change


Quick fire Lv 3 --> Increases attack speed by 25% and HP by 35,000 (Previous level = 10% and 20,000)


Raise Focus 2 Lv 9 --> No change


Rapid Arrow Lv 7 --> Deals DMG equivalent to 65% DMG (Previous level = 27%)




Cleric Unlocked Skills & What does it do?


Encourage Lv 10 --> Increases attack power by 2,000 (Previous level = 1,500)


War Cry Lv 7 --> Increases skill speed by 2% (Previous level = 1%)


Charm Lv 9 --> Increases magic attack by 2,000 (Previous level = 1,500)


Judgment Strike Lv 3 --> Deals DMG equivalent to 45% DMG and Decreases enemy HP by -10% (Previous level = 12% and -10%)


Call Lightning Lv 3 --> Deals DMG equivalent to 165% DMG (Previous level = 124% DMG)


Barrier Lv 4 --> Decreases damage dealt by 20% (Previous level = 18%)


Party Heal Master Lv 3 --> Heals the party by 8% HP per Heal (Previous level = 7%)


Whisper of Water Lv 5 --> Evasion +2000 and Max HP by +5% (Previous level = Eva +1000)


Modulation Strike Lv 4 --> Deals DMG equivalent to 200% DMG and causes defence -25% Debuff (Previous level = 20% DMG)



Elementalist Unlocked Skills & What does it do?


Soul of Fire Lv 9 --> Gives the elementalists 430k damage (Previous level = 7.5k DMG)


Hand of Earth Lv 9 --> Deals DMG equivalent to 170% DMG (Previous level = 5.6% DMG)


Sword of Wind Lv 9 --> Deals DMG equivalent to 170% DMG (Previous level = 5.5% DMG)


Chain Lightning Lv 9 --> Deals DMG equiavlent to 34% DMG (Previous level = 30% DMG)


Blazing Fire Lv 3 --> Deals DMG equivalent to 55% DMG (Previous level = 15% DMG)


Summon of ancient Weapon Lv 5 --> Deals DMG equivalent to 220% DMG (Previous level = 160% DMG)


Strengthen Spirit Lv 5 --> Increases all spirits attack by 125k (Previous level = 550)


Windy hands Lv 4 --> Redesign: Now gives 5% HR / Max HP +3% / Magic HR 5%


Fallarm mastery Lv 4 --> Gives 5,000 Magic Attack (Previous level = 140)


Stone Pillar Lv 5 --> Deals DMG equivalent to 220% DMG (Previous level = 160% DMG)


Thunder Lv 5 --> Deals DMG equivalent to 55% DMG (Previous level = 48% DMG)



Specalist Unlocked Skills & What does it do?


Inferno volt Lv 7 --> Deals DMG equivalent to 37% DMG (Previous level = 37% DMG)


Sonic Break Lv 9 --> Deals DMG equivalent to 34% DMG (Previous level = 25% DMG)


[AOE] Lightning Shock Lv 10 --> Deals DMG equivalent to 123% DMG (Previous level = 20%)


Mark of Thunder Lv 3 --> Gives 4,000 evasion (Previous level = 3,500)


Crest of Agility Lv 3 --> No change


Earth Elemental's Blessing Lv 5 --> Increases defence by 75,000 / Evasion by 3,500 / Max HP by 30k (Previous level = 35k / 900 / 25k )


Fire Elemental's Blessing Lv 5 --> Increases HR 3,500 / Magic Attack 5,000 / Mana Consumption -25% (Previous level = 2,000 / 3,500 / -25%)


Water Elemental's Blessing Lv 5 --> Evasion 3,000 / Hit Rate 2,500 / All stats 500 (Previous level = 2,500 / 2,000 / 250)


Wind Elemental's Blessing Lv 5 --> Attack Speed +35% / Skill Speed +15% / Move Speed +35% (Previous level = 20% / 10% / 20%)


Hand of Darkness Lv 5 --> Deals DMG equivalent to 600% DMG (Previous level = 45% DMG)


Scythe mastery Lv 4 --> Increases magic attack by 2,000 (Previous level = 140)


Provocation Lv 5 --> No change


Fire Pillar Lv 5 --> Deals DMG equivalent to 55% DMG (Previous level = 48% DMG)


NEW: Impenetrable defense Lv 1 --> Gives incredible +200% Defence for 7 seconds and 300 HP




Specalist Unlocked Skills & What does it do?


Soul Buster Lv 6 --> Deals DMG equivalent to 223% DMG (Previous level = 140% DMG)


Force of Moonshine Lv 5 --> Recovers 4,000 Hp each second [NEW: 2,500 Evasion, 2,500 Magic Evasion (Previous level  = 3,500 HP)


Misty Chain Lv 6 --> Deals DMG equivalent to 34% DMG and causes -70% Move Speed (Previous level = 20% and -50%)


Judgment Lv 6 --> Extra Chance to stun by 20%


Curse of Blood Lv 4 --> Drain 5,600 HP per second (Previous level = 4,800 HP)


[AOE] Deadly Light Lv 4 --> Deals DMG equivalent to 132% DMG (Previous level = 86% DMG)


Pain Field Lv 4 --> Deals DMG equivalent to 56% DMG (Previous level = 50% DMG)



2) New Way To Balance PVP has been added so I can change all values live server